Friday, November 04, 2005

nobody likes a stinky foot

i love pilates, especially the tightness and soreness the next day. i tried a class here yesterday and it consisted of swinging our arms around our bodies like we were bored little kids for 10 minutes while being reminded to breath in and out. then the teacher tells all of us who have not done the class a minimum of three times that we must only do the exercises half way, all while she wanders about the room with her little aerobic microphone on. what a waste of a pound forty five. and to make the whole experience even more distasteful, the mat that i was using smelt like feet. (smelled or smelt? i get this grammar rule confused) i am officially a yoga mat snob and really don't mind.

in other news, i bought a basil plant so that i don't have to throw the last half out of the package of basil because i cannot manage to eat it quickly enough. how much basil can one person possibly eat in a week? i will name him sherlock and i hope that he and penelope thrive in the windowsill. as long as they are not watered too often. i also bought a parsley plant because they were on some buy-one-get-one-cheap dealy and everyone knows how i love a deal! the parsley plant is yet to be named, suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said...

you truely are a geek! I love it

Anonymous said...

As for the parsley plant, I'd suggest "Killer" as I'm allergic to the shit.
Anyway, love the blog.

Anonymous said...

This Reminds Me of a good book at Jens.Sounds like your in a good place, and as far as the plants...Sven is a really good name.

kristen said...

How about Poirot. Then you can have a little detective theme going with your herbs. I can see it now...Ms. Marple the Rosemary plant...perhaps Grissom the cilantro...