Friday, January 05, 2007

brevity is the soul of wit

funny things...
  • i just wrote an email that began Dear Jesus...
  • my future was planned by a taxi driver last night, it included meeting his parents in their village, visiting an orphanage in his hometown, marrying him in a church wedding, having 2 children (a boy and a girl), moving to canada, and coming back to kenya to visit his family. i don't think he was kidding
  • i almost poisoned someone with the spiceness of the meal i cooked last night. who knew those little dried chillis had such a bite!
  • everytime i cook with chillis, i manage to put my finger in my eye or my nose afterwards
  • i gave a young kenyan girl her first raspberry this morning, she liked it. who wouldn't? they are my second favourite berry
  • i received a gift from a woman i don't know in india, some sort of dessert made out of carrots


Sara said...

my thoughts...
i hope jesus writes you back soon
i hope the taxi driver treats you well
i tell you everytime to wear gloves and you are always so confident this will be the time you don't put your finger in your eye... wear gloves next time
enjoy your carrot dessert, sounds interesting
miss you xoxo

kristen said...

when you said raspberry, i was picturing the kind you give a kid on the belly...they're not quite as delicious as the eating kind...