Wednesday, March 08, 2006

international women's day

today i was...

...referred to as 'blondie'
...made to wait to start a meeting that i had arranged with my professor until my male classmate arrived late
...laughed at for saying i would have burnt my bra if i were around during the beginning of the women's rights movement
...told i was being an 'idiot' for stating my concerns
...called 'cute' when i was angry with the quality of the teaching in my programme
...assumed to be an irrational and overreacting girl rather than be heard
...told i should stop being a feminist if i ever want to work for the un

makes you realise why we still have to have an international day just for women. and i am one of the lucky ones who has access to education and opportunity.


Joy said...

Whoa. How unpleasant.. and unfortunate. We are lucky though because we do have a voice and can keep trying to be heard even when there is ignorance.

I saw a newsclip last night about women gathering in Afghanistan for an eduacation, and they were allowed to speak freely on many topics - until they had to leave of course. But there is always a progression and we are part of it as much as they are when we step up, and I admire you that you do.

Anonymous said...

Where were you and what were you doing? Surely you weren't at a "liberal" education facility when all this happened...were you? If the answer is yes, that's more than a little disappointing.

Judging by the comments people made to you, I would have guessed you were leading a women's rights march in South Dakota.

Keep standing up for yourself - you're one of the tough ones, and you set an example for all of us.

lu said...

would you believe it if i told you that it was a professor, a classmate, and a guest speaker from the un.

but then i read some gloria steinem quotes and remembered how she brought many people to tears last year when she spoke in calgary. and was reminded that we are not alone in our challenges.

rock on sisters!