Monday, May 25, 2009

the friend edit

i am undergoing a slight, painless friend edit at the moment. i am not cutting anyone out or deleting any of my facebook or email contacts, but i am going to edit the amount of time that i spend with certain people. or at least limit the amount of my energy i give to those relationships.

recently i was told that i have positive energy and many of you are surely aware that i am not always a bundle of positive vibes, but lately i have been working really hard to rebuild my life, my spirit, and find my new wings.

for the most part i feel as though i have done a pretty damn good job of doing this, yet sometimes i speak to friends and feel a little drained afterwards or i feel as though they are not genuinely happy for me and what i have accomplished.

hence, the friend edit.

i don't think that any of the people involved in my friend edit are bad people, that they are inherently not good for me, nor that they mean to give me their negative energy, but alas, i walk away feeling slightly worse after talking to them.

sometimes friendships need to evolve and grow and that is my intention now - to create a little space for those friendships to expand and mature while concentrating on my most positive relationships and continue to rebuild the spirit.


Kels said...

so when do we find out who is getting edited out?


Miss you

kristen said...

Kels- if she's attempting the edit, we just have to be like when Phoebe tried to edit Monica out on Friends...Monica was just too darn scrappy to be edited out- so we'll have to embrace our inner scrappiness!

Lu- I think we all have to do that sometimes. I hope you can surround yourself with as much positivity as you can!

Kels said...

k - i can be scrappy if need be

lu - we are uneditable.

lu said...

hahaha, that is hilarious!

those who are being edited out will receive a compensation package via snail mail with appropriate instructions as to how to proceed. haha, just kidding.

the friend edit is more about me than anyone else, so maybe i should have entitled it 'energy edit' so no need to worry, none of YOU will be edited out!

Anonymous said...

you have such an eloquent way with words Lara.

though we haven't talked in far too long, i always find that it is pleasant and enlightening to hear from you. i hope you do find the same. i have been thinking about you lately and i hope your 'energy edit' is successful and life is bringing you beautiful energy.

Anonymous said...

you have such an eloquent way with words Lara.

though we haven't talked in far too long, i always find that it is pleasant and enlightening to hear from you. i hope you do find the same. i have been thinking about you lately and i hope your 'energy edit' is successful and life is bringing you beautiful energy.
