Sunday, October 04, 2009

what a week

ramen noodles and new almodovar movie screened at the calgary film festival

first day of a week of early mornings for the united way campaign
coffee with the mounties

meetings upon meetings
dinner with my ma and bro
mild concern about the security of my job

chaos at our volunteer worksite
an afternoon with the dalai lama and his wicked glasses

concern about my job security alleviated
child trafficking bill makes it through 3rd debate and heads to the senate
first photography class. pixels! sensors! green idiot box!
grey's anatomy (medium, at best)

painting on 3 storey scaffolding for 8 hours
very tired arm
framing of some of my photos
a much needed glass of vino to celebrate a successful 2 week painting project

invitations to my housewarming party sent out
the return of saturday projects
pickled beets and homemade salsa!
celebratory red wine and beer and a hockey game
lots of laughter

laundry and tidying
a trip to the farmer's market (blackberries, fresh herbs, and wax beans, oh my!)
napolitan pizza
one tired, tired lady


La Cabeza Grande said...

Painting and pizza and the Dalai Lama, with a dash of RCMP thrown in for extra flavor. You know how to live.

kristen said...

what a week indeed :)