hands down, my favourite shop that i found in thailand was in chiang mai and was called kit-bit-s and had the most lovely designs. i got this shirt (and i bet it is really this VERY shirt) and the most adorable jewelry roll from the label they carry (and maybe design as well?)
ton tub tim. i must find a way to get these clothes to me in canada because it is like anthropologie meets thailand meets handmade one-of-a-kind pieces!

the lovely designer who was working at her so-cute-it-is-edible shop (and listening to the best itunes playlist, to boot) gave me the address of her
blog and although it is written in thai, i insist that you go over there and check it out because her clothes are scrumptious.

the clothes are all designed by a team of three sisters based in chiang mai (which i am assuming is the inspiration for the name of their label) and they sell their wares on etsie, so that might be my next stop when i need a retail fix!
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