1: bags filled with stuff for me
1: family sized bag of mini eggs
1/4: amount of the bag i have already eaten
7:00pm: time they managed to stay awake until on their first night here
1: roundabouts driven around the wrong way
2 or 3: serious concerns about driving into the curb on the left hand side of the rental car
4: pairs of shoes purchased
275: stairs climbed up to top of york minster
1: afternoon tea at betty's teahouse
3: cups of the best earl grey tea i have ever had consumed at betty's
1: hours before i had to visit the ladies room after 3 cups of the best earl grey tea ever

1000's: sheep seen from side of the road
about 10: black lambs
1: sunday pub lunches
3/3: days with rain since my mom and charlie arrived
1100AD: the age of the oldest thing charlie could find in york
4500: words left for me to write on my papers
3: times my mom has had chocolate cake since arriving
3: times i have had a bite
4: cities we've been to in 3 days
countless: times we've talked about the rest of our family at home
that sounds wonderful! i hope you continue to enjoy your visit.
I can't believe you found a tea house called Betty's. I was wondering if you were talking about your kitchen! But I can believe Charlie kept track of the oldest thing he could find! Wish we were there...
What a great post! It seems the weather never cooperates when there are visitors.. and a roundabout the wrong way?!..again I say be careful!
after adding it all up, it seems to equal one hell of a start to a great vist from fam. enjoy the time and put in a hello from me.
ps. good luck with the 4500 words.
knock em' dead!!!
pps. "janns journal" from mar. 29 a great one, a eye opener and a thought proverker...
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