i am leaving this morning for italy to watch canada play germany in the first round of olympic hockey and to taste the olympic spirit. i am rather excited. i hope that i get my passport stamped! that reminds me, i better put that in my bag now or i might forget it. and what in tarnation does someone pack for the olympics?? my luge is still in the shop, i hung up my skates years ago, and i passed on the funny looking team canada toques that the athletes are wearing... but i am sure i will figure it out and as usual, bring too much stuff with me. i am beginning to think overpacking might become my legacy.
i don't know why you can't see the title of that entry, which should be 'my luge is in the shop.' but i don't have time to wrestle with it to get it to work.
Have you packed your face paint? Your foam finger? Your clever CBC sign?
Hopefully I'll see the game...I'll be watching for you on TV (I'm watching Canada vs Italy right now and Igila just scored....I guess I should dry my hair so that I make it into work on time)
It sounds like you are in for quite a time. My sister and her hubby are heading there this weekend as well, but they went for the good ol' Canada ballcaps from Esso...
Have a wonderful time in Italy!
have fun, dont over do it, do it over!!!
yes, ive been checking out your blog.
keep well
Cheer loud and hard, i will be looking for you as we watch the game !!!!!!!!Go Canada Go
well do not worry, i managed ok with my canada t shirt, small sized flag, and third row seats!! they won 5-1 against germany, which you should all know by now, and there was a tear in my eye when all the canadians were cheering so loudly for their team in all their red gear and with all the team canada jerseys and flags.
i almost shed another tear of sheer embarassment when a canadian fan started chanting about the 'nazis' and swearing a blue strek (red streak?? well a serious streak) as if he were at the raunchiest nhl game ever. how is it that such an ignorant and obnoxious canadian is allowed out of the country to represent the rest of us abroad?
but it was fantastic and did i mention third row and budweiser beer!!
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