i really do think this is going to force the liberals to do some serious rethinking and rebuilding and learn how to be an effective opposition, which will be good in the end. now that paul will step down as leader, i wonder if belinda will make the run. i tend to think so and i honestly think that has been her intention since she first ran for mp. she probably saw that it wouldn't happen with the conservatives so she switched to where she could see a future as leader. i don't know that much about her, but i'd like to see it happen.
should we all start betting on how long this minority will last? i am not good with numbers, but my guess is shorter than martin's government lasted.
the strange thing is, it's kind of nice to think that there is finally a prime minister from the west. it sucks that it's stevie, but hey, think of the pain if it had been stockwell...
agreed. and oil prices are up again, so alberta's economy is only going to grow and westerners can hopefully stop complaining about not being represented in the east.
i'll give you 2 to 1 odds that it lasts 2 years.
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