here is the email that started it all off:
i told my dear friend jen that i would like to wake up hung over just once more before i leave to cross the pond to drink lukewarm beer in pubs that close at 11. and since we are all either unemployed, students, new home owners, or otherwise struggling to pay all the bills at the end of the month, i suggest that we give'r canadian-style and have a bender on a budget. so dig out all the heels of the bottles you never finished, raid your parents' liquor cabinets just like you are 16 all over again and throw on a little mascara.
this saturday i hope that you will clear your schedules for the first great extravaganza of 2006 (unless some of you have already recovered from the holidays and have already fallen off the wagon) and that we start off somewhere for drinks, get rowdy, then head to the alley for a good old fashioned all-girl rally-at-the-alley. i seem to be a bit short on email addresses so please pass along the word to anyone who loves having a good time and would like to join me in saluting this great country before i go. (i make no guarantees, but we have been known to sing the anthem if we've had a few molson beer)
do me a favour and let me know if you can make it out by emailing me back (and i will accept no excuses unless they involve the worst hangover you've ever had or random one night stands from friday night that have not ended by saturday!).
i am looking forward to seeing you all!
i'm jealous!!!
but you would NOT have been jealous if you saw the state i was in in the morning. i learned something that night...do not take a picture of people fighting to "preserve the moment" and do not ask police officers to drive you home because they won't.
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