the united nations has declared december 1st world aids day.
so i have one message for you - wrap it up!
last year at this time i was in red deer at the college attending a central alberta aids organisation's talk where i answered a question and got a free pair of socks, it was a good time. anticipation and excitement for south africa and a rather positive moment in the world of my canada world youth experience. that project has taken on a life of its own in my memory. so nice to be independent and free again and yet i learned a lot and met some fabulous people.
now if they would just stop sending me those emails about getting signatures on their petition.
today is also the first day of a new budget month and the first day i get to eat an advent calendar chocolate. exciting developments because now i can get some more groceries (ok, and maybe a new pair of boots) and have a chocolate a day!
Umm chocolate before Saturday??!!??
hahaha, good point!
maybe just the boots before saturday?
Found those socks just the other day! A few red sweat stains but very comfy.haha Merry Christmas to all ( I can say this because it now Dec.1).
ps. the college is having a fair today, need a new pair os socks? I got some!!
why do you have MY socks?! not sweat stains, red hiking boot stains.
get me another pair if they are giving them out again, please!
Oh lordy you make me laugh! Those damnned petitions, and I sure as heck don't want to work for them.... I remember that day. Now I am curious as to where the socks went that I had won. So many clothes disappeared during those six months, you wouldn't believe it!
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