i went to a town in the lake district today and visited a museum full of stuff that in canada would be considered Really Old, i love history. the town was the centre of the wool industry in england at one point and then that damn cotton replaced it. still lots of sheep in the countryside, looks like a fairy tale.
i had my first crumpet today. spongy, rubbery, and delicious.
i also managed to lose a pair of mittens, find a pair of mittens, lose a return train ticket, get home without a ticket, and pay almost $5 for tomatoes; a big day for stupid mistakes and inexplicable luck.
and i have committed myself to cheering jerome and the boys on in torino, italy. i have even secured a team canada jersey for the event. would anyone like to join me in supporting the true north strong and free?? the more the merrier, i hope that we can get on the cbc!
i just realised that that last sentence rhymed, i never knew you could be poetic about hockey!
I wish I could come and be on the CBC, we'll try for Vancouver I guess!! In the mean time...Go Flames Go.
i am watching jerome as i type. go canada go, go flames go. i was worried that i would have to bring the tv into the wedding due to it coinciding with the olympics but i think we might be safe (well, hockey-wise anyway)
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